Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dead Master Update

New photos of dead master figures on I really love the photos that Danny Choo takes, they are soo detailed and have just the right lightning, not that i'm some kind of specialist in photography, i just like it ^^ Someday i have to get one of those o soo cool cameras, this is when the time that i will be willing to give an arm and a leg for one comes ahah Anyway enough of talky talky, let's see the photos.

Dead Master -Original Version-

( Photo from )

Figma Dead Master

( Photo from )

Huum think i would prefer if the horns and the wings were all black instead of having that transparent touch. But i'm guessing maybe it's rubber or some kind of elastic material so that it doesn't break when hits something?

Dead Master -Animation Version-

( Photo from )
( Photo from )

Nendoroid Dead Master

( Photo from )

The nendoroid looks really cute. I love how it can be seen a little greenish color in her hair on all of the photos ^^ Are you planning on getting one of these figures?


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